Why I decided to get personal trainer?
Most people know, that I used to be a competitive level athlete in the hammer throw. Even though I have never had super big goals like getting to Olympics etc, I have always had goals for Finnish Championships. And goals in other competitions, and you know, just goals in personal development.
So why I made a decision to get a personal trainer, when in fact I could have just continued training on my own?
This is something I have heard people questioning, why getting a personal trainer when as a competitive level athlete in the hammer throw, there must be some knowledge also in the gym training. And for sure there is knowledge. But every athlete has a coach, so why would I start doing training alone at the time I am not able to focus on my main sport? At the times like this, I see having a trainer is even more important. So that at the time I can (and want) to get back to my own sport, I have not done any further damage etc.

There has always been a coach
So when thinking about hammer throw, and my history with track and field in general, I have always, since the day one I started, had a coach with who to do training. Though most of the workout were in the group, track and field is, after all, individual sport, not a team sport.
Becoming older, changing training groups, and starting to focus on only to hammer throw, I got more personalized workout programs which I followed every day; basic training season, strength season, competition season, transition period etc.
In 2016, before I left to Singapore, I finally had the courage to talk with my coach about the things happening in my training group and why I did not want to be part of that group anymore. It has been one of the most challenging things to do, and since doing so, I have not been in any contact with most of the people from that group.
When I got back from Singapore, and I was ready to really fight my way back on track with my back, I was doing training as one to one with my coach.
But I have had time periods when I have not been able to do throwing, moments when stuff has not been so good with my coach, and when I have not had a training program.
And/or periods of time when I have just moved to another city, and not had trainer over there.
During these times, I have always found it difficult to do training alone. Basically, I always know what I could do, but these moments have always been linked somehow to the moments I have not had any motivation.
“maybe my body is just not able to handle sports.”

Because of I have had so many injuries, I have often found myself thinking exactly like that.
That way of thinking comes from the fact, that whatever I have done, however careful I have been, there has always come new injury.
My weirdest injury? I woke up at the middle of the night, could not move my leg because of having so much pain on my hip. I literally jumped with one foot to the kitchen to get the ice pack and to toilet to get painkillers. The next day I visited a doctor, who said he has not seen anything like that during his 30-year experience being doctor. Even that case almost led me under the needle to surgery table.
And what about the fact, that I have been living my whole life in Finland with ice and snow during winter, and I have never fallen so badly that I would injure myself. But hey, in Singapore spraining my ankle when falling, and in Australia getting back sprain when falling. Not sports injuries, but still.
And what about the fact, that I have been living my whole life in Finland with ice and snow during winter, and I have never fallen so badly that I would injure myself. But hey, in Singapore spraining my ankle when falling, and in Australia getting back sprain when falling. Not sports injuries, but still.
So, because of my injuries, weird ones and not so weird ones, I have started to be afraid of some exercises. And especially doing some of those alone. Just being afraid of injuring myself again or making an already existing injury worse. Some exercises even include the memory of getting an injury from that same one before or making the injury worse, and that’s why being afraid of it now as well.
So, at the time I arrived in Brisbane, I decided to get a personal trainer. After all, I had 29h time to think on the way to Australia what I am going to do with my athlete life. ;)
Why PT?
So why did I decided to get a personal trainer, when in fact, I could have just asked some kind of training program from my hammer throw coach? Why did I see, that getting a personal trainer would be more beneficial to me?
Reason 1. To get back to weightlifting/gym training/training in general.
Reason 2. To keep me motivated, or more like helping me to get my motivation back.
Reason 3. Show me safe ways to do training without causing further issues to my back, or any new injury.
Reason 4. To help me eventually get back to hammer throw and TKD, with strengthening my body to be ready for throwing the hammer and doing martial arts.

What has changed?
So, for the last 4 months, I have been doing training with my PT, and I can say, that it has been the best decision I have made for a long time. Let's compare the reasons why I first decided to get PT, and what has changed since then.
Reason 1. I am back in weightlifting. And in many exercises, I am lifting more than I did before my back problems. So, I can say, that some real changes have happened only within 4 months.
Reason 2. I did not even realize how lost my motivation was when I started with my PT. Now, looking back, I can see it. Now, yes, freaking yes, I am motivated. I have more motivation that I can remember having. And I am not even back in the hammer throw. So, it is pure motivation for gym training.
Reason 3. My back has been better than when I came to Australia. I do not need regular pain medications anymore – though I always have the medication with me, in case I need one. I am not having pain constantly over level 5 (from 1-10). And I have fewer flare-ups. Also, I do not have any new injury – excluding the back sprain I had because I slipped and fell.
Reason 4. I believe that I am in the right track to strengthen my body to be ready for hammer throw and TKD. I am not back yet, but in fact, for the first time ever, it does not bother me that much.
I could go and try hammer throw, but the fact is, that I do not want to. Not because I would not like to get back, I do. But because I feel, that my body is not yet ready for that. After all, hammer throw is a sport where back injuries and back problems are one of the most common reasons to quit that sport. I do not want to be one of those people. I want to get back, try it at least one time, and probably from one time I know if I still want it or not.

The real results
Here are few workouts to just compare them to where I am now vs. where I was before:
Deadlift: now 80kg – before max. 50kg
Bench press: now 8x45kg - 3 months ago 8x30kg
Plate loaded leg press: maximum with own body weight 70x80kg --> in this one I do not know my before result, but for sure it has not been that many reps. And probably not even with that weight.
In a mental point of view, the biggest one is, that I can do snatching again. Which is still under development, because of not having enough courage to do with big weights. But I am back doing it, which means, that I am on the right track. Snatching has literally been the hardest one for me because it is related to my shoulder problems, surgery and the partial reason for the fact why rehabilitation took so long. So, every time I am doing snatching, I feel scared to injure myself again. That is the reason why I have been avoiding doing it. I am so glad to be back on snatching, even though I am still scared. But I will never be able to get back on that one if I will not start doing it.
After all, nothing will change, if I will not make the decision to be ready for the change.

After all, nothing will change, if I will not make the decision to be ready for the change.

Would I recommend getting PT?
The big question, would I recommend someone to get a personal trainer? Yes, I would. And I have done that already.
It depends on the person though, the things that a person wants to achieve, or if it is just going to gym once in a while, not caring if sometimes there is a long break from the gym.
I have reached my goals, and I have made own personal best results at the gym. I have my motivation back, which has been the biggest thing for me personally. I have a dedication and I have dreams.
I would not say this if I would not mean it, but without my personal trainer I know I would not be where I am now. Because I know I would not have been able to get my motivation back alone, I would not be able to do similar results as I am doing now, because I would be afraid of my back. To be honest, what I have learned during 4 months, is that I would have probably already hurt my back at the gym without my PT... :'D
Yes, I probably would have been doing gym training, but I have been there, I have done that; going to the gym without motivation, that just does not lead anywhere. Anywhere else than just even worse motivation, because of not being happy for the results and just getting back pain. <-- just trying to avoid that now. ;)
It depends on the person though, the things that a person wants to achieve, or if it is just going to gym once in a while, not caring if sometimes there is a long break from the gym.
I have reached my goals, and I have made own personal best results at the gym. I have my motivation back, which has been the biggest thing for me personally. I have a dedication and I have dreams.
I would not say this if I would not mean it, but without my personal trainer I know I would not be where I am now. Because I know I would not have been able to get my motivation back alone, I would not be able to do similar results as I am doing now, because I would be afraid of my back. To be honest, what I have learned during 4 months, is that I would have probably already hurt my back at the gym without my PT... :'D
Yes, I probably would have been doing gym training, but I have been there, I have done that; going to the gym without motivation, that just does not lead anywhere. Anywhere else than just even worse motivation, because of not being happy for the results and just getting back pain. <-- just trying to avoid that now. ;)
Always thankful for my PT Michael for the continuous support, inside and outside of the gym. Always thankful for getting me stronger physically, but also helping me to grow mentally. I know I am the one doing the work at the gym, but I would not come so far without all the support. 🙏
For so long I have felt like being trapped inside my own body, not having the possibility to choose what to do and when, because there is the pain deciding for me.
But I am finally starting to get used to the idea, that I have chronic pain, and I just have to live with it. I cannot change anything from the past, but I can change the future. :)
For so long I have felt like being trapped inside my own body, not having the possibility to choose what to do and when, because there is the pain deciding for me.
But I am finally starting to get used to the idea, that I have chronic pain, and I just have to live with it. I cannot change anything from the past, but I can change the future. :)
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