Setbacks stopped complaining


I started track & field when I was 3-4 years old, and I was training in the same training group for 13 years. From kids playing group, all the way to competitive level training. I was never forced to go to training, I decided to start track & field because my sister started as well. I literally hated indoor training, and that is why when I was a kid I usually only went to training when the summer season started, and we were able to do training outdoors.

Can you guess which one I am? ;)

Later in the competitive level training group, I used to be the one who was always complaining. No joke, I am sure that all of my previous training group friends can still remember what I was like in our training sessions. It was already like a joke in the group, if no one heard me complaining during training, they asked like "Katri have you realized something? You have not complained at all! Are you sure you are okay?"

I was literally always complaining. Always.
"I cannot do this."
"Can we do something else?"
"This is too hard."
"I do not want to do this."
I must have been a super annoying athlete to coach.
Late apologies for all my previous coaches during those 13 years.
And I know, that one of those coaches (the last one before I changed to another training group), started to really push me. Started to give me harder exercises, started to just laugh at my complaining and suffer. Really made to do stuff.
Made me run those crazy 100-200-300-400-300-200-100m drills, and stopped listening to my "this is too hard." complaints.
And I owe him a lot for doing that to me.
I mean, those drills were tough. I was not a runner, and I really felt like dying while running those with long-distance runners in the training group.

Can you spot me? ;)

But he was not the only reason I am not like that anymore.
Because in 2012, when my coach told me, that if I want to get good hammer throw training, I should change group and coach. That was nicely said, and I am thankful for that. It is an important feature to admit own limits.
So I changed the group and team and made the decision, that I will travel 1.5h one way to training at least 4 times in a week.
But even in those training, I still was the same old me.
After I got used to the new training group and a new coach, it was easy to start complaining about everything again.

Injuries changed everything

The true lesson was learned at the time I started to have more injuries.
Longer lasting injuries.
Shoulder surgery, and the fear of having to quit hammer throw.
It took me a long 3 years (2013-2016) to get rid of the shoulder pain. And still, I can feel in some workouts, that my left arm is not as strong as my right one. But more importantly, those years of rehabilitation made me realize so much.

The happiness after making own personal best in Finnish Championships, and finally having a pain-free shoulder! (2016)

And then, just under a year after getting rid of shoulder pain, I injured my back. Or my insurance company likes to think, that it did not start in any training, so it is not injury. Just a weird pain which started after two training... ;)
So shoulder injury + this back issue together with everything else made me appreciate every training.
Every movement I am able to do.
I started to enjoy more and more those deadly training, the hardest ones. The ones I realized I always missed most when not being able to do training. The ones I still miss, because some of those I still cannot do.

Complaining ended

Just yesterday after my training I realized, that I am not complaining anymore.
And I feel amazing about it!
I do not know how I realized this yesterday, maybe it was the sentence my PT said: "I know you enjoy hard training." Thanks for saying that, it made me realize something new again! Because at that moment I realized, that yes I do enjoy, but I have not always enjoyed. I love hard training, but the funny thing is, that I have not always loved it. Because why else I would have complained that much before - if I would have enjoyed it?

I feel amazing, that I actually appreciate every training I have. Everything I do.
And that I actually enjoy doing everything. It is not only about ending complaining, but realizing, that I enjoy doing what I do.
Because I know, that it is impossible to predict the future, so I enjoy every little moment what I can. And work my way towards my goals - every day.


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