Sugar addiction

Serious talk. About Addiction. Sugar Addiction. As apparently sugar addiction is a real thing, comparable to addiction to cocaine . Nice right? And still companies can advertise their sweets everywhere, so why cannot weed can be advertised? This is something I have actually thought to be weird, it is totally okay to get children (basically anyone) addicted to sugar, but weed is not okay. I know what you think. But also sugar has a lot of bad effects in long-term. Anyways, hey guys, I have a sugar addiction . Yep me. An athlete, who does training 5-6 times a week. Who everyone thinks, that should be eating super healthy. Yeah of course I do. But I did not before. I still have so much to do to get my eating habits super healthy, I am still not there. But I am in so much better situation than where I was just a couple months ago. Where did my addiction actually started? Let's start over from my childhood. Because my opinion is, that it all has started already whe...