
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on marraskuu, 2018.

Sugar addiction

Serious talk. About Addiction. Sugar Addiction. As apparently sugar addiction is a real thing, comparable to addiction to cocaine . Nice right? And still companies can advertise their sweets everywhere, so why cannot weed can be advertised? This is something I have actually thought to be weird, it is totally okay to get children (basically anyone) addicted to sugar, but weed is not okay. I know what you think. But also sugar has a lot of bad effects in long-term.  Anyways, hey guys, I have a sugar addiction . Yep me. An athlete, who does training 5-6 times a week. Who everyone thinks, that should be eating super healthy. Yeah of course I do. But I did not before. I still have so much to do to get my eating habits super healthy, I am still not there. But I am in so much better situation than where I was just a couple months ago. Where did my addiction actually started? Let's start over from my childhood. Because my opinion is, that it all has started already whe...

Why I decided to get personal trainer?

Most people know, that I used to be a competitive level athlete in the hammer throw. Even though I have never had super big goals like getting to Olympics etc, I have always had goals for Finnish Championships. And goals in other competitions, and you know, just goals in personal development. So why I made a decision to get a personal trainer, when in fact I could have just continued training on my own?  This is something I have heard people questioning, why getting a personal trainer when as a competitive level athlete in the hammer throw, there must be some knowledge also in the gym training. And for sure there is knowledge. But every athlete has a coach, so why would I start doing training alone at the time I am not able to focus on my main sport? At the times like this, I see having a trainer is even more important. So that at the time I can (and want) to get back to my own sport, I have not done any further damage etc. There has always been a coach So when thinki...

Year ago November

It has been a year since my last hospitalization because of my back. A year is a long time, and I have used that year for learning. Learning about myself, my way of doing things, and most importantly learning how to get back on training without making everything worse. Though the learning did not start right away, I had few months where I was just collecting my thoughts and my feelings, I needed that time to make myself see, that there are so many things I still can do. “When can I get back to hammer throw?” That was my first question when I met the hospital physiotherapist. And I think it tells something about what the most important thing for me at that time was. At the same time, I knew, deep down, that it would be a long time. But having a physiotherapist and a doctor who tells me, that it all gets better within 6 weeks, and I should be back in any time, did not make it easier. I knew it would not take only 6 weeks, and I made the decision to refuse to believe that. I made t...