The constant battle of chronic pain

For me, the hardest part of having chronic pain is how unpredictable it is. It is like having a constant battle with the pain. One day I am totally fine, the next I might not be. Another part is, that the chronic pain is usually invisible, and someone like me, who have the strong "I can survive alone" attitude, others rarely know how I feel, what I have in my mind etc. I might have days, weeks, or even months when my pain is at a very low level, as minimal as possible. It is always there, but when it reaches a number near 0, I might not even notice it anymore. I have had those times now more than ever before. I am super happy about that. And then, all of sudden, something triggers my pain and it flares. The scary part of any flare-up is, that I never know how long it lasts. It can last just a few hours, or it can last days. Or even weeks, and or a month. And when I get flare, I always end up thinking if I could have done anything differently to avoid it. At that mome...